FULL-DAY 8:30AM – 3:10PM
HALF-DAY 8:30AM – 11:30AM
Days available: Tuesday – Friday
(2, 3, or 4 days/week available)
First Baptist Preschool’s Toddler Class includes children 14 months (by August 1st) – 2 years of age. The students in this class learn through activities specifically planned to meet their needs. Lesson plans are based on goals set by the Indiana State Standards for Early Childhood language and cognitive development. In the Toddler Class, teachers support children’s social development through targeted activities as well as through play. They also begin potty training while in this classroom. Specifically, students begin to identify/write their names, sing the ABC’s, count to 10, identify colors, shapes & numbers 1-5.
FULL-DAY 8:30AM – 3:10PM
HALF-DAY 8:30AM – 11:30AM
Days available: Tuesday – Friday
(2, 3, or 4 days/week available)
In our Early Preschool program, teachers start steps necessary to prepare students academically & socially for kindergarten. The teachers strive to teach positive social interactions, begin to work on literacy skills including identifying the letters in their names, & basic writing strokes. Students are also introduced to numbers, counting to 10 & beyond, identifying shapes & colors. Students in this class also work on self-help skills such as feeding & cleaning up after themselves, washing their hands, & completing the potty-training process.
FULL-DAY 8:30AM – 3:10PM
HALF-DAY 8:30AM – 11:30AM
Days available: Tuesday – Thursday or Tuesday - Friday
Students in our Preschool Classes are three & four years old & participate in active learning to help prepare them for Kindergarten. Preschool students begin to use Heggerty, our phonemic awareness program which includes learning about rhyming, syllables, beginning sounds in words, letter identification & the sounds they make. They begin to listen for sounds in words & put their thoughts on paper. Students in this class learn to count to 50 & identify numbers to 10. Students learn to sort, pattern, graph, & count with one-to-one correspondence among other mathematical concepts.
FULL-DAY 8:30AM – 3:10PM
HALF-DAY 8:30AM – 11:30AM
Days available: Tuesday - Friday
Students in this class are four and five years old. The most effective feature of our Pre-Kindergarten curriculum is the focus on hands-on activities and learning. After attending Pre-Kindergarten at FBC Preschool, students are prepared for a smooth transition to Kindergarten. Pre-Kindergarten graduates know all of the letters of the alphabet (both capital and small letters), they know the sounds the letters make, will be able to identify some sounds heard in words and translate that into their writing. Graduates of our Pre-K classes are also able to count to 100, identify numbers to 20, and perform beginning addition through story problems.